Created for some of the more raw and painful aspects of growing up different. Sometimes angry, sometimes funny, always honest. Sometimes, the language is very harsh because pain is not gentle.

I am determined to chronicle all aspects of living with absolute candor and genuineness. It allows a connection with others at a deep soul level because they see that you understand their struggles when you reveal your own. If you are offended by cursing or expect the beauty you see on my other blog, Whisper Creek, then you may want to avoid this one. This is the very human side of me, the one God plainly sees. It is the part that God is healing. Let that be my witness.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

And I Wonder.....

Sometimes I look into my eyes
and starring back like the clear blue skies
is an empty shell, without a soul
and cold as the plains of the north pole.

and I wonder....What am I?

No damn emotions inside me to track
no footprints in the snow when I look back
just numbness and nothing, bitter cold
is that me in the mirror, am I growing old?
and I wonder....Who am I?

Here I am, hel--lo, I am here
between hell and heaven, I don't know where
just vacant and empty, an abandoned well
what can I do, someone do tell.

and I wonder....What do I do?

Its like an alarm bell sounded loud
and out dispersed this big huge crowd
leaving me here all alone
a sack of dry, dead,  lifeless bones.

and I wonder....Where am I?

Did I disappear? Am I in there?
If I am will someone tell me where?
And I cut myself to see if I bleed
to see if there's a spirit who needs to be freed.

and I wonder....How am I?

Am I hiding out in camouflage?
am I in some sort of battle, why do I dodge?
sometimes I'm my own worst enemy
what will it take for me to see?

and I wonder....What do I look like?

Will there be a happy ending? I can't say for sure
will there be a miracle, will there be a cure?
All I can do is try as I might
continue the battle, continue the fight. 

and I wonder....How strong am I?

One day I'm certain I'll recognize me
don't know how long the wait will be
but I know when it happens I'll make a friend
I'll hold her close, I'll hold her hand.

and I'll wonder...Where have you been, my friend?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, if only I were a lesbian instead of a gay man. I absolutely LOVE your writing, and could easily fall for you. (I'm not a stalker!)
