Created for some of the more raw and painful aspects of growing up different. Sometimes angry, sometimes funny, always honest. Sometimes, the language is very harsh because pain is not gentle.

I am determined to chronicle all aspects of living with absolute candor and genuineness. It allows a connection with others at a deep soul level because they see that you understand their struggles when you reveal your own. If you are offended by cursing or expect the beauty you see on my other blog, Whisper Creek, then you may want to avoid this one. This is the very human side of me, the one God plainly sees. It is the part that God is healing. Let that be my witness.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cocoon of Thorns

Hello dear friend, explosion suspend,
you know when I need your caress.
Your magic touch, no fight, this much
I know as fire sparks off your undress.

Your smooth, sharp blade, for it I have prayed
to sail smoothy down my flesh
and open a river, with barely a quiver
and create my soul newly fresh.

The pain so divine, the release so sublime
I can declare that I breath once again
For I feared to exhale until upon you I impale
and fall into a satisfying zen.

I long to cocoon in your thorn ridden room
as upon needles of love I abide
this hammock dripping wet, with blood and with sweat
and in this prickly peace I will hide.