Created for some of the more raw and painful aspects of growing up different. Sometimes angry, sometimes funny, always honest. Sometimes, the language is very harsh because pain is not gentle.

I am determined to chronicle all aspects of living with absolute candor and genuineness. It allows a connection with others at a deep soul level because they see that you understand their struggles when you reveal your own. If you are offended by cursing or expect the beauty you see on my other blog, Whisper Creek, then you may want to avoid this one. This is the very human side of me, the one God plainly sees. It is the part that God is healing. Let that be my witness.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Take a knife
and cut me up
inside out
see my guts.

Read the signs
read them well
see what stories
they have to tell.

Tales with words
words of blood
pouring forth like
a crimson flood.

Can numb be painful?
Can light be dark?
Can outside be in?
the finish the start?

Makes no sense
no sense you see
this mind of mine
the mind that's ME.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Fool

I looked in her eyes to see if I still knew her. I wanted her to look like someone else. Someone evil I didn't know. But I knew her. The part that had said she loved me was there but peaking out from behind her, a calm cold calculating woman who uses people who succumb to her charms then throws them away like they are trash. Once I was her obsession. Now she latches onto her next. As cold hearted as the person is I see, I miss the one who I thought she was and I must mourn the death of the one I knew. The one I loved. The one who I thought brought the stars out at night. She is gone. She is dead. And I hurt. I bleed, not from external cuts but from the internal ones brought on by all the lies. I am a fool.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Demon Date

This is the time of night 
when the demons come
and my heart races
and I can't feel numb

But I try, oh I try
to reach down low
turn off the faucet
turn off the flow

But the tears, oh they fall
and my heart, it does bleed
and I ask for a bandage
and i beg and i plead 

But there ain't nobody out there
ain't no one awake
when the world crashes down
and I've had more than I can take.

And the sleep, it never comes
just tortures me to death 
and I can't see through darkness
and I can't catch my breath.

And I rock till I'm thristy
then I rock till I'm tired
and I can't even nap
cause I'm so fucking wired

Finally I collapse 
not even a pillow for my head
but I don't even care
just glad to have a bed

Then in mercy without limits
I finally slip into dreams
and I wake up with the daylight
and hope outweighs the screams. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Land of the Broken

This is the land of the angry
This is the home of the pissed
This is a platoon of fighters
To get back the life we have missed

To lay claim to what is ours
To take back a heart full of peace
To fight for quiet and tranquility
To make the war inside cease.

To silence the voices inside
Self doubt, self hate, non stop
Speaking yelling cursing us
Beating us till we drop

Looking over our shoulders
Waiting for the beast to strike
Feeling the hot breathe of evil
Carrying a "fuck you" spike.

Expecting enemies at every turn
We will never disappointed be
Because what we seek we will find
And what we fear we will see

So how do we fight for peace
But lay all our weapons down
But when the enemy is ourselves
Self trust never seems to abound

So round and round we go
In this hamster wheel heart beating
Distrusting the feet we run on
Fearing happiness is fleeting.

This is the land of the broken
This is the land of exhaust
This is the home of the cornered dog
fighting for the life which was lost.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Falling off the world

The world it turned
And off we fell
Into empty space
Own personal hell

Nothing to hold
Nothing to grab
Not a branch to save me
Not even dirt to stab

There was no up
There was no down
Was I even falling
Would I hit the ground?

Would I ever stop?
Or fall endlessly?
A ghost caught in the suction
Spiritual amputee

Can't say I know the answer
No ending to the rhyme
One day I will know
Somewhere out in time

Fur Night Dreams

I sought a place
to disappear
I didn't know why
I didn't know where

the instinct burned
It begged me go
It hastened now
Quick speed bestow

Shivered shoulders
A watched-feeled back
A hunted prey's worst nightmare
No goosebumps did I lack

Searching quickly
No hiding place find
No weapon to defend
No sweet peace of mind

Listening for my predator
A monster with evil breath
I heard silence loudly trumpeting
As I waited for my death

My heart beat a thousand lives
My mouth dry as desert eve
As the clock ticked away the minutes
For the moment I did believe

In my dreams I had seen the future
The fur the eyes the blood
And I knew that I was next
Fear filled me like a flood

Then finally it arrived
My terror choking hour
Remember me when I die
With a simple sweet white flower

Around the corner it came
The shadow large and pressing
I asked for forgiveness for all my sins
And begged for last rite blessings

Then expecting heaven to say
It is finished, it is written
Walking toward me limping came
A tiny little kitten

Her leg, the fur all matted
The blood mixed with road dust
Her eyes begged for kindness
My heart begged her to trust

For that which had brought me terror
Didn't look so scary now
Just another soul who was broken
And needed me somehow

Friday, March 23, 2012

Six Feet Under Ground

I lost myself somewhere sometime
I crawl so far inside
I don't exist out there anymore
So in the dark I hide

I'm just a tiny piece of dust
Kicked about by the wind
Sucked into an empty vortex
This black hole never to transcend

To the dark I escape
Or Is the night my prison
I search for what is me
Yet I have lost my night vision

Take a step, hit a wall
Turn around and repeat
My face a bloody mess
As I face frustration and defeat

Inside it's dark
Inside it's small
Then I know without a doubt
the sad truth of it all

This place I hide
Praying my soul doth save
Is not my salvation
But my coffin, my grave.

It's not time to die
But this time must live
But I'm tired, so tired
Sweet relief, something please give.

Someone dig me up
Someone let me out
But if I see the sunshine
In fear will I shout?

Release me! Leave me be!
A captive to my fear
Where will I feel like me
Out there or tucked in here?

Will I ever know the answer
Will I ever pass the test
Will I always be bumping into walls
Will I ever feel at rest?

No happy ending
No ever after found
Just fighting to stay above
Six feet under ground.